Shoot Nations 2007 15th June - 20th July

Use the power of photography to capture the world through your eyes.
Join young people from all religions, cultures and countries and use photography to share your passions and frustrations with us and the rest of the world.

What is it?
Shoot Nations is a free global youth photography competition to get young people to document what matters to them, what's right and what's wrong in their world and how to make a difference.

Take a look at the decisions that affect your life and show us what you think about power and participation.

There are fabulous prizes to be won and the results will be presented to the United Nations, the highest level of global government. Your photos and drawings could be exhibited in selected major cities around the world to celebrate International Youth Day on Sunday 12th August 2007.

Shoot Nations is open to all young people - YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A PHOTOGRAPER - prizes are awarded for photographs that capture something special and stand out from the rest...

In 2006 thirty countries took part - join up today, tell your friends, let us make Shoot Nations 2007 the biggest youth photography project yet.



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