"desh" interactive workshop and performance




audiovisual performance


The alterable states of consciousness are the valves for the constant manipulation of the media. This starts with paying taxes to the government, then through the subconscious messages in the public, until the information, with its narcotic effects, sinks in and tends to result in the flooding of everything.

The technology advanced enormously during the previous years. There is a history that relates to the beginning of denunciation, employing the same media of oppression. A vision establishes an ambience through a language of movement; a current that tries to make the individual reflect. For this reason it appears uncomfortable.

The performance is a direct contact between participants of different creative and artistic levels.

The manipulation of sound and the pictures are common elements, to escape precisely from this false harmony which denunciates itself. The message is important in that it provokes the audience. It recombines reality, exhibiting the monstres which create lies about people accounting our lifes, trying to destruct the weak. It could be a cry or a susurration in the ear, because what alarms us is just the content of the message.


The performance is formed for a series of different artistic branches such as photograph, video, music, and with special interest in scene employment.

This part is pre-prepared and form the “skeleton” of the performance. The projections and the scene are supported by expressive movements of a theatre group or just with other inserts of corporal expressions.

This second part is prepared by young artist, during an short and creative workshop session, where they first observe the pre-prepared videos and after they reflect upon the message that is transmitted.

Afterwards this reflections; using intermediate and interdisciplinary art genres; forms the basis of they proper interpretation, that they prepare and perform together with the projections as a part of the whole performance.

The duration of the workshop to prepare the expressive movements of the group or just other inserts of corporal expressions, depends on the needs of the group itself.

The participants profile is open and flexible; they should have knowledge in different art genres of experimental theatre, performing arts, music, or other visual arts.

Duration of the performance in total: approx. 40 minutes

Duration of the inserts of corporal expressions of the group: free to choose.


4 speakers 100 Watt
2 video projectors
2 screens
10 scaffolds
14 hoardings
1 overhead projector
1 fog machine
5 monitors (which can be destroyed)
3 televisions
2 dvd players

-Space for the realization of the workshop

-Hall, theatre or other place where to perform the performace

-material for the workshop (depends o the needs of the participants)


The initiators of the performance series “Deshumanizacion” gathered during the project “Capital future” / “Tempo presente” financed by the “Programa juventud” of the European Union in 2006. The second stage of this project was “ACTIVARTE”, in March different performances were realized under the name “Deshumanizacion”. Each of these performances is an unique artwork.

The performance “TEMPO PRESENTE”, was shown at:

In the “Mostra Internacional de Teatro”, July 2006 Rivadavia, España.

Invited by “MOSTRA” foundation.

In the international exchange of roadshow “The World is a Stage” during the festival “Prekmurje summer festival” August 2006, Velika Polana, Eslovenia.

Invited by the STRK association.

Casa da cultura Oradea, September 2006, Oradea Rumania.

Invited by the Asociación.

“club ETNO”, September 2006, Črenšovci, Eslovenia.

Invited by the ETNO association.

The performance series “DESHUMANIZACION” were shown at:

DESHUMANIZACION Vol. 1.”: “Free Expresión”, European cinema exchange, May 2006 Carwall, Inglaterra.

Invited by the information office of youth in Cornwall.

DESHUMANIZACION Vol. 2.”: December 2006, Casa do Cultura Ribadavia, España,

Invited by Concejalía de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Ribadavia.

DESHUMANIZACION Vol. 2.1”: February 2007, Casa do Cultura Ribadavia, España

Invited by the information office of youth “OMIX Ribadavia”.

DESHUMANIZACION Vol. 3.”: Official presentation of the festival ARTEFICIAL, March 2007, Rivadavia 2007, España.

Invited by Asociación Artificial.


Trailers of the performances can be seen on:


Simón López Miguez

Artistic coordination, idea, recordings, photographs, editing.

Valentina Skafar

Logistic coordination, project realization.

The persons engaged in the realization of the performances are members of the association “ACTIVARTE” and have a lot of experience in management of similar projects at national and international level.

“ACTIVARTE” is an association in Ribadavia which has developed different cultural activities in the village since its establishment.



Simón López Míguez


625 39 38 57

Valentina Skafar


699 40 01 63

Translation from Spanish into English: Annina Bornstein, Maria Peter


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