Youth Action for Change and VITA Europe Call for Articles

Youth Action for Change is a global, youth-led organisation inspiring
and empowering young people worldwide to become active change makers
in their own communities .( .

VITA Europe is the voice of European civil society and Europe's first
and only English language information portal entirely dedicated to
the European third sector . (

In partnership with Youth Action for Change, Vita Europe has launched
a channel for Youth Activism where you will find third sector news
tailored to a young audience and interviews with young European
third sector protagonists.
This is an opportunity for young journalists and young activists to
make their voices heard.
Do you want to join this amazing new team?..

The articles, not paid but published with your name,will have to be
about one of these sections:

- Youth Activism: about an organisation, campaign or
initiative run by young people that has a positive
impact on local communities;
- Who's who: interviews with young people affecting
change in different sectors (NGOs, politics...) ;
- News: reporting a news impacting the Third Sector
in your country or in Europe (policies, labour, education... )


* 1-2 pages, written in English

* timely news ( NOTE: events for the agenda should be submitted in

*no Youth in Action calls

One article suggestion: Armenia election clashes -interview with an

Other ideas also welcomed! Send your articles including your name,
surname, country and email address to : silver_drop_ of_rain@yahoo.

VitaEurope :


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GENÇ KADINLARA Sivil Toplum Kuruluşlarında, Meslek Odalarında, Parlementoda ve Yerel Yönetimlerde deneyim kazandırmaya yönelik eğitim ve staj