Intercultural dialogue - Search for short movies

This year in Europe is the year of "Intercultural dialogue". As our organization: Youth centre of Dravinja valley is co organizer of the biggest rock festival of Slovenia - "Rock Otočec" ( ), we decided through this event to inform youth about "intercultural-dialogue". We are collecting short videos on the topic of "Intercultural dialogue" in order to inform youngsters in our region and whole Slovenia.
If there are some short-videos concerning "Intercultural dialogue" made in your organization we would be very grateful if you will send them to us. Videos will be shown on the festival Rock Otočec. We are also making a database of all movies on this topic that will be reachable on our web page: . If you will send movies, better on this e mail, it has more space:
If you think that, that movies will lose quality if i'll donloade them from internet, please send them by regular post on our address:
Mladinski center Dravinjske doline
Žička cesta 4a, 3210,
Slovenske Konjice,

Thank you for your help!
Taissia Bogatšova
Project coordinator
Intercultural dialogue 2008

Youth centre of Dravinja valley
Žička cesta 4a
3210 Slovenske Konjice

M: 0038631253116


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