Türkiye temsilciliği Milliyet Gazetesi tarafından yürütülen Cannes Lions Uluslararası Reklam Festivali bünyesindeki Cannes Lions Genç Yaratıcılar Yarışması'nın Türkiye elemeleri Milliyet Gazetesi ve Reklamcılık Vakfı organizasyonunda 26-29 Nisan tarihlerinde Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi'nde gerçekleştirilecek.

Jüri başkanlığını Woks Creative'den Ahmet Naci Fırat'ın yapacağı elemelerde bu sene basın, Internet ve film kategorilerinde ikişer kişilik takımlar yarışacak. Kategori birincisi takımlar Milliyet Gazetesi'nin davetlisi olarak Cannes Lions Genç Yaratıcılar Yarışması'nda Türkiye'yi temsil edecek.

The most dynamic part of the Cannes Lions International Advertising Festival - the biggest meeting of the marketing and advertising sector is the Young Creatives Competition. This year, national selections…for the competition are organized by “Milliyet” - the official Turkish Representative of Cannes, the Foundation of Advertising (Foundation of Professional Research, Development and Education in Advertising) - "Reklamcılık Vakfı" and MarketingTürkiye.

The competition creates an opportunity for the young creatives
- to participate in one of the most important international competitions,
- to represent their countries and
- to widen their visions.

Application procedure and rules:

The competition is open to all creatives born after June/ 23, 1978 (28 years or under), who meet the conditions stated below.
The competition will be held at three categories: "Print Category", (where the competing teams are made up of an art director and a copywriter), “Cyber Category", (where the teams consist of a web designer and a copywriter) and “Film Category" (where the teams are made up of an editor and a copywriter).
In the “Print Category" 35 teams, in the “Cyber Category" 20 teams and in the “Film Category" 10 teams will be accepted. If there are more applications than stated, there will be an open draw in the building of Foundation of Advertising.

30 teams of the Print Competition and 9 teams of the Film Competition must be working in an advertising agency that is a member of Turkish Association of Advertising Agencies – “Reklamcılar Derneği".
This year, 3 teams of the Print Competition and 1 team of the Film Competition that are members of “Reklam Yaratıcıları Derneği" will also be accepted.
The members of one team, who are working in an agency, which is a member of Ankara Advertising Association and the members of one team, who are working in an agency, which is a member of İzmir Advertising Association can also participate in the Print Category.
Candidates of the Cyber Category must be cyber creatives working in a company or in an institution.
The members of the same team may be from different agencies.
The candidates have to fill in the application forms on As explained in the application form, the candidates have to attach their scanned identification cards (“nüfus cüzdanı") and the receipt of the participation fee to the application form.
The participation fee (for the Print and Cyber Categories: 200 YTL // for the Film Competition: 250 YTL) has to be sent to:


HESAP NO: 6298532

The participation fee will be sent back, if there are more applications then stated and the candidate is not chosen in the open draw.
It is obligatory that at least one member of the team has very good command of English.
Important notice:

The first place winners of the previous competitions can not participate in the competition again.
Members of one team, who took part in previous competitions cannot build the same team again for the third time.
Intellectual property rights of the creatives will belong to the main sponsor, who in turn can claim extensive use in media. Thus, participants by no means can claim ownership rights.
The participants are expected to bring their identification cards ("nüfus cüzdanı") and one photograph (passport-size) to the competitions.
The challenge of the "Print Category" is to produce a print ad within 24 hours, while the candidates of the “Cyber Category" have to create a cyber ad within 24 hours. The candidates of the “Film Competition" have 48 hours to film and edit a 30 second commercial, filmed entirely on a Nokia N93.

The briefing for the “Film Competition" will take place on the 26th of April at 17:00 at Bahçeşehir University (Beşiktaş Campus). On the 27the of April from 09:00 to 18:00, the Macintosh Laboratory will be open for the candidates, in case they want to edit the commercial they filmed. On the 28th of April at 09:00, all the candidates have to be in the Macintosh Laboratory for editing. They have to submit their works at 17:00.

The briefing for the “Print and Cyber Categories" will take place on the 28th of April at 17:00 at Bahçeşehir University (Beşiktaş Campus). On the 29th of April at 09:00, all the candidates have to be in the Macintosh Laboratory for producing their ads. They have to submit their works at 17:00.

After the submission of works, the jury will evaluate the works and the first, second and third place winners of each category will be announced on the same day in the Awards Ceremony at Bahçeşehir University (Beşiktaş Campus).

In June 2007, a multimedia party will be organized, where 1000 people from the sector will be invited and all the works of the National Selections will be presented.

President of the Jury
Ahmet Naci Fırat – Works

The best team of each category will get the chance to participate in the Young Creatives International Competition in Cannes.

Flight, accomodation costs and registration fees for Cannes Lions Festival will be paid by Milliyet.

Key Dates

National Selections

Deadline for Application April 20, 2007
Foundation of Advertising holds the right to make any change of the conditions during the National Selections process.

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