Calouste Gulbenkian's long path, from his childhood in Istanbul to the
latter years of his life in Lisbon (emblematic cities at the eastern
and western edges of Europe), shaped his personality and influenced
the Foundation that he decided to create in Portugal as a Portuguese

A pioneer in the oil industry, a demanding art collector, a diplomat
and a philanthropist, Calouste Gulbenkian was a perfect example of the
synthesis of the eastern culture of his birth and origins, and the
western culture in which he was educated and lived. Other revealing
features of his character were his enormous sensitivity towards the
harmony of nature and a particular taste for admiring its beauty.

Naturally, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation's activities reflect
these characteristics of the founder's personality and aim to support
efforts to foster the universal values inherent to the human
condition, respect for diversity and difference, a culture of
tolerance and the conservation of the environment in man's
relationship with nature.

The Calouste Gulbenkian International Prize, worth €100,000, will
distinguish an individual or institution whose thoughts or actions
make a decisive contribution to and have significant impact on
understanding, defending or fostering the universal values of the
human condition, with particular reference to the following:

* Respect for difference and inter-cultural, inter-ethnic and
inter-religious dialogue;
* Respect for biodiversity and defence of the environment in man's
relationship with nature.

In 2007 the Prize will be awarded to the Respect for difference and
inter-cultural, inter-ethnic or inter-religious dialogue.


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