Participate in the European Master Thesis Award

Participate in the European Master Thesis Award

- make your ideas be heard,

- your analysis discussed,

- and win the Award!

The European Master Thesis Award is your opportunity for an outstanding
start of your career (and a handsome sum of money, an award ceremony in
Masstricht, The Netherlands and more...)!

The Award selects the best Master Thesis related to the following topic:

"European integration:

economic, legal, social and political aspects of the European endeavour."

Your Master Thesis contains innovative ideas about the European endeavour or
other related questions? Then you should participate in this year’s award by
sending us an abstract of your thesis to:

The deadline for submission is the 1st of October 2007. For all further
information on the participation rules check out:

Good luck!

The European Master Thesis Award is organised by:

The Internationalist Review

The International Economic Studies Network


Universiteit Maastricht Student Media

An event sponsored by the European Union.

Mathieu St-Laurent
Société québécoise de science politique

a/s du Département de science politique
Université du Québec à Montréal
C.P. 8888, Succ. Centre-Ville
Montréal (Québec) H3C 3P8

Tél.: (514) 987-3000 poste 4582#
Télec.: (514) 987-4878


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