Transitland EUROPA Commissioned Videos, Sofia

Transitland EUROPA Commissioned Videos, Sofia

Transitland EUROPA is supported by the Culture 2007 Programme of the
European Union.

Deadline: March 15, 2008

Transitland EUROPA ( invites
artists, filmmakers, documentarists, and activists from the 10 new EU
member-states to submit proposals for producing new videos that creatively
interpret the phenomenon of "transition." A jury will select 10 proposals,
each receiving an award of 3000 euro for production, including expenses and


Artists, filmmakers, documentarists, activists from Bulgaria, Romania,
Hungary, Slovenia, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia,
Estonia are eligible.

There are no age restrictions.

About Transitland EUROPA

Transitland EUROPA is a collaborative project between InterSpace in Bulgaria
(, D Media in Romania ( and Videoaktiv in Germany ( to create a
video archive of 100 works spanning 20 years, starting from the fall of the
Berlin wall. Since much of the history of the "new" European countries is
being represented from the outside, this is an attempt to present a history
from within. The archive will serve as a visual timeline of transition -
from the shape of the revolutions, to the role of the media and consumerism,
the various histories of privatisation, delocalisation, and migration, to
the erasure of old borders and the creation of new ones. 90 older works
(1989 to 2008) and 10 newly commissioned videos (2008) will be selected for
the archive by a jury of co-organisers and external experts. The output of
the project includes the production of archive jukeboxes and DVD
compilations that will travel to different venues in Europe, a website and
online version of the archive for international access, the production and
distribution of a print publication and DVD insert, and a combination of
screenings, exhibitions and conferences in Berlin (Feb 2009), Sofia (Mar
2009), and Bucharest (Apr 2009).

For further information or questions about the application, contact:

email: info@transitland. eu

tel: +359 2 983 48 43 (InterSpace)


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