2008 World Youth Congress

Dear Friends!!

The Deadline for Applications to the 2008 World Youth Congress is fast approaching: October 31st 2008. If you didn’t make it to any of the First Three Congresses – in Hawaii(1999), Morocco(2003), or Scotland(2005) - get your act together and apply for a place at the 4th Congress taking place in Quebec City, Canada in August 2008. It is the main event for young people interested in working on youth-led development and the role that young people can play in making poverty history. You will meet some amazing young people from over 100 countries, all of whom share our concern that young people be given the respect, and the finance, to do projects that will help eliminate poverty in a sustainable, environmentally friendly way. Equally important – you will have a ball!

As well as development activists, concerned young artists, educators and journalists are welcome to apply. The Canadians are trying to raise a ton of Scholarship money to help those who can’t afford the air tickets to come. But, if you do not apply by October 31st, you will not be on their radar. So surf to: www.wyc2008.qc.ca – click on ‘Apply Now’ - write some impressive answers to the questions - and get yourself on the list.

Hoping to see you in Canada next summer!

Best wishes,

Thanks for anything you can do!


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