Logo and Slogan Competition for Global Fund for Youth Investment

Dear CSF Colleagues,

As you have likely heard, SDV/HDN has launching a new Public-Private Partnership
for youth development called the Global Partnership for Youth Investment (GPYI).
Under GPYI, the recently approved multi-donor trust fund, Global Fund for Youth
Investment (GFYI), contains a grantgiving structure that aims to engage more
youth in three key target areas - entrepreneurship/employment, civic engagement
and empowerment. (Please see attached brief for the fund).

In preparation for the formal launch of GFYI fund, we are working visual
identity of fund through the development of a suitable logo and slogan. As this
program is for young people, we would like to encourage their ownership of the
program from its onset by requesting them to provide their input on this
critical aspect of the initiative. Thus, this the "GFYI Logo and Slogan
Competition" targets the creative energy of local, youth-centric civil society
organizations. The winning logo/slogan will be used to market the GFYI
worldwide. The winner will receive USD5,000 to fund an activity supporting
youth civic engagement.

Competition deadlines are as follows:

Country Submissions to the CSF Coordinator by Wednesday, May 12 (5pm local
Winner Announced, Monday, June 2
Funding Allocated before end of FY

Thank you for your assistance on this initiative. If you have any questions,
please feel free to contact any member of the GFYI Team at your convenience.
Note, both documents provided can be distributed to potential participants.

Best Regards,

Kury Cobham, Aki Ishii, Minna Mattero

Call for Proposal

Logo and Slogan Competition


Global Fund for Youth Investment

The World Bank’s Social Development Civil Society Fund (CSF) Secretariat is organizing a logo and slogan competition for the Global Fund for Youth Investment (GFYI), a multi-donor trust fund recently approved to support the advancement of marginalized and vulnerable youth in the areas of entrepreneurship, citizenship and empowerment managed under the Global Public-Private Partnership for Youth Investment (GPYI). This competition is a means to engage and initiate a level of ownership from youth globally through the creation of the symbols key to the Fund’s future marketing. (See attached “What is GFYI” brief for more information.)

Eligible Groups

The applying entity must be a locally registered youth organization or NGO working for youth and/or youth issues.

About the Competition

We seek a creative design for the GFYI logo and slogan that best captures the theme and purpose of the grant program as noted above and in the GFYI briefer.


In order to be considered, the logo and slogan must be:

* Clearly reflect and embrace the goal of the GFYI;
* Creative and eye catching;
* Submitted with a logo and slogan altogether (in English) – one each per participant;
* Submitted with a brief statement outlining the initiative/activity your organization would fund if selected as the winner;
* Submitted to the WB country office CSF Coordinator by 5pm (local time) April 30, 2008; and
* Reviewed and cleared by World Bank Youth Advisory Group (YAG) or Youth Development and Peace (YDP) Network Chapter AND CSF Coordinator at the respective World Bank country offices.

Selection Process

1. After review and clearance at the country level, the top three (3) semi-finalists will be sent to World Bank Headquarters for final vetting.

2. The CSF Secretariat will establish a final review committee in Washington to identify the five finalists based on established selection criteria (i.e. relevance, attractiveness).

3. The five (5) finalists will be posted on the globally accessible World Bank managed Youthink! Website (http://youthink.worldbank.org/).

4. The submission with the most popular votes during a 2-week period will be selected to represent the GFYI.1

5. The final announcement of the winner will be made on June 2, 2008.


The winning organization will receive a monetary award in the amount of USD 5,000 to be used to fund an activity or initiative in support of youth civic engagement. The award will be processed through the World Bank Headquarters office in Washington and monitored by the relevant country offices’ CSF coordinators.


Youth organizations must submit their ideas to World Bank country offices by 5pm, April 30, 2008, local time.

WB CSF Coordinator must submit up to three (3) semi-finalists by 5pm, May 12 , 2008 to Washington DC office: ATTN: Akiko Ishii, aishii@worldbank.org and Kury Cobham, kcobham@worldbank.org.

The Global Fund for Youth Investment


“With 1.3 billion young people (age 15-24) now living in developing countries - the

largest ever youth group in history - there is a critical need to invest in youth at this time. A failure to train them more effectively for the workplace, and to be active citizens, could lead to widespread disillusionment and social tensions (World Development Report 2007: Development and the Next Generation, The World Bank).” Developing countries that invest in their record numbers of young people between the ages of 12 and 24 years of age could produce surging economic growth and sharply reduced poverty, according to the WDR. Countries that miss this demographic window will find themselves lagging increasingly further behind in the global economy.

Established March 2008, The Global Fund for Youth Investment (GFYI) is a multi-donor trust fund supporting the Global Public-Private Partnership for Youth Investment (GPYI).

The GPYI, is brings together civil society organizations (international and domestic), the private sector, foundations, global media and corporate philanthropists on issues of specific concern to young people living in developing countries.

Goal and Objectives

The goal of the GFYI is to support the economic advancement and social inclusion of young people. To achieve this goal the following objectives will be met: i) increase access to entrepreneurship and civic engagement opportunities; ii) enhance knowledge and capacity of institutions supporting youth; and iii) growth of private sector engagement in support of youth initiatives.

Proposed Initiatives

To attain the goals and objectives outlined above, the GFYI aims to support initiatives falling within three specific themes addressed in World Development Report of 2007: entrepreneurship, citizenship and empowerment. The fund will identify and finance activities throughout the developing world; build a research and knowledge base that is available as a global public good; and develop and support a south-south technical assistance and capacity building facility. Specific activities to be supported include (but are not limited to):

* Grant giving to Civil Society Organization (including the i) Youth CSO Advancement Fund and ii) Youth Driven Development Grants Program
* Development of customized financial products and protocols to assist in youth microenterprise and microfinance initiatives,
* Design of an information technology platform,
* Communication campaigns,
* Advisory and analytical work in support of south-south capacity building and technical assistance.


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