CONCORD - Photo Exhibition

CONCORD is the European NGO Confederation for Relief and Development. Its 20 international networks and 22 national associations from the European Member States and the candidate countries represent more than 1600 European NGOs vis-à-vis the European Institutions. The main objective of the Confederation is to enhance the impact of European development NGOs vis-à-vis the European Institutions by combining expertise and accountability.

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the European Union in 2007, CONCORD is realizing a photo exhibition on Europe’s impact in developing countries in order to raise awareness and alert the people and decision-makers of Europe. This exhibition will travel around Europe for the next two years.

To organise this exhibition, we need you. We are inviting you to take photos illustrating how Europe positively or negatively influences your country and the lives of your communities and to rapidly forward the information to all your contacts, colleagues and friends. Photos can be directly and easily downloaded on CONCORD website ( The attached documents (letter to offices/partners in developing countries, regulations for this exhibition, technical information) have been translated into five languages: French, English, Spanish, Portuguese and Arabic.

All photos sent will be displayed on the internet, and the fifty photos with the strongest messages will travel within Europe in 2007 and 2008. Furthermore, we plan to exhibit the top 50 photos at the European Parliament on 17 October on the occasion of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty and in the framework of the 50th anniversary of the European Union.

You are therefore invited to send us from one to five photos via the CONCORD website or by post (technical details in the attached document), with a brief, four-line explanation to enable the general public to understand the background to the photo and the message you want to get across in it. The closing date for sending your photo(s) is 30 September 2007.

If you have any questions, just contact Agnès Philippart from the CONCORD team ( or visit the CONCORD website (

We look forward to seeing your photos. Thank you!


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